Author: Himani Arora

DAML Fundamentals: Supported Data Types

Reading Time: 3 minutes DAML is a powerful open sourced language crceated to write distributed applications quickly, concisely and correctly.It is functional and designed to support distributed business workflow thereby helping a developer to focus more on programming business processes by cutting down the amount of time he would spend on dealing with encryption and blockchain. With the help of previous blogs, Build Powerful Smart Contracts and Getting started Continue Reading

Java: back to basics.

Java Stream API tutorial

Reading Time: 3 minutes Java Stream API was one of the major features released with Java 8, that let you code in declarative style. It supports function-style operations on streams of elements, such as map, filter and various other transformations. Streams vs Collection It is a myth that Java Stream API have replaced Collections in Java. Most of the collections are a main source for the stream to work Continue Reading

spark streaming with kafka

Kafka Streams: Data Enrichment with External lookup

Reading Time: 2 minutes Kafka Streams is a Client library where the input and output data are stored in an Apache Kafka cluster. It combines the simplicity of building and deploying Java and Scala processing applications with Kafka topics on the client side with the benefits of Kafka’s server-side cluster technology. When working with Kafka Streams, there are times when the stream processing application requires integration with data external Continue Reading

Writing Java APIs using Apache Atlas Client

Reading Time: 2 minutes In the previous blog, Data Governance using Apache ATLAS we discussed the advantages and use cases of using Apache Atlas as a data governance tool. In continuation to it, we will be discussing on building our own Java APIs which can interact with Apache Atlas using Apache atlas client to create new entities and types in it. How to create new Entities and Types using Continue Reading

KSQL: Getting started with Streaming SQL for Apache Kafka

Reading Time: 3 minutes KSQL is a SQL streaming engine for Apache Kafka which puts the power of stream processing into the hands of anyone who knows SQL. In this blog, we shall understand the basics of KSQL and how to get it up and running it in the easiest way on your local machines. What is KSQL? KSQL is a is distributed, scalable, reliable, and real time SQL Continue Reading

Exactly-Once Semantics with Apache Kafka

Reading Time: 4 minutes Kafka’s exactly once semantics was recently introduced with the version 0.11 which enabled the message being delivered exactly once to the end consumer even if the producer retries to send the messages. This major release raised many eyebrows in the community as people believed that this is not mathematically possible in distributed systems. Jay Kreps, Co-founder on Confluent, and Co-creator of Apache Kafka explained its Continue Reading

Kafka Streams

Interactive Queries in Apache Kafka

Reading Time: 4 minutes Apache Kafka v0.10 introduced a new feature Kafka Streams API – a client library which can be used for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data can be stored in Kafka clusters. Kafka Streams provides state stores, which can be used by stream processing applications to store and query data.  Every task in Kafka Streams uses one or more state stores which Continue Reading

Concurrency API

Guide to Java 8 Concurrency API using Executors

Reading Time: 3 minutes Working with the Thread class in Java can be very tedious and error-prone. Due to this reason, Concurrency API was introduced back in 2004 with the release of Java 5 and then enhanced with every new Java release.The API is located in package java.util.concurrent. It contains a set of classes that make it easier to develop concurrent (multithreaded) applications in Java.  The executor services are one of the most Continue Reading

Joins in Kafka

Join Semantics in Kafka Streams

Reading Time: 3 minutes Introduction to core concepts:   Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform which enables you to publish and subscribe to a stream of records also letting you process this stream of records as it occurs. Kafka Streams is a client library used for building applications and microservices, where the input and output data are stored in Kafka clusters. Interface KStream<K, V> is an abstraction of Continue Reading

Getting started with Ethereum

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Ethereum? Ethereum is an open-source blockchain platform that lets anyone build and use decentralized applications that run on blockchain technology. It is an open-source project created by Vitalik Buterin. How is it different from Bitcoin? Bitcoin is not capable of performing calculations that didn’t fit into his limited scripting language. Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin, did not design it to send anything Continue Reading

Starting with Blockchain Chaincode using Golang

Reading Time: 2 minutes Chaincode, or a smart contract is a fragment of code written in supported languages like Java or Go that is deployed onto a network of HyperLedger Fabric peer nodes. In this blog, we will learn how to develop Chaincode using Golang for a blockchain network based on Hyperledger Fabric v0.6. Chaincodes run network transactions which are validated and then appended to the shared ledger. In simple Continue Reading

Message Broker in Lagom using Kafka

Reading Time: 2 minutes What is Lagom? Lagom framework helps in simplifying the development of microservices by providing an integrated development environment. This benefits one by allowing them to focus on solving business problems instead of wiring services together. Lagom exposes two APIs, Java and Scala, and provides a framework and development environment as a set of libraries and build tool plugins. The supported build tools with Lagom are Maven Continue Reading